Author: admin

  • Are you hungry?

    Are you hungry?

    Once in a while we write reviews in French of great places to eat in and around Geneva. Use the reviews to practice reading in French and at the same time find out where to grab a bite… and maybe speak French? Have a question? Let us know by leaving a comment below.. Merci et…

  • Our first experience with a marketplace!

    We’re so happy to have been a part of the Women Entrepreneur Network and their Fair that took place in Nyon today. We arrived at the exhibition space hosted by the Beau Rivage hotel in the small town 15-minute by train outside of Geneva. It was our first time being a part of a fair…

  • Special course for “Back to School”

    It’s almost that time again for parents and children – Back to school. To help ease you or your children back into French learning, we’re offering a special one-on-one course in Geneva for September. The course includes tips to help you with your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. We will also dedicate of lot of time…

  • Tu vs. Vous

    What’s the difference and when do you use the dreaded “tu” or “vous”? The LA times made this great infographic to help reduce the stress!

  • Want to speak French? Here’s how an opera singer did it…

    For some people, the tricky part of learning a language is remembering what you learned. Gabriel Wyner is an American opera singer who learned French in 5 months. In his 15-minute preview video on the Science of Memory, he provides an interesting account on how and why we memorize words and concepts. According to Wyner,…

  • rooftop 42

    Attention terrasse branchouille en vue! J’ai découvert par hasard le rooftop 42 (situé au, comme son nom l’indique, 42 Rue de Rhône). Je cherchais une occasion spéciale d’aller manger parmi les young & beautiful au dernier étage de cet immeuble classe en pleine ville. Cette semaine une amie que je n’avais pas vu depuis des…

  • Le Socrate

    Le Socrate, au 6 rue Micheli Ducret est encore une autre bonne adresse à Plainpalais. Si vous cherchez quelque chose d’authentique avec de la bonne viande et de bons produits dans un décor de bistro parisien je ne peux que recommender ce resto. J’y suis venue plusieurs fois mais ce jour-là j’ai eu la chande…

  • Il fait trop beau pour travailler!

    Is the weather too good to be working today where you are?  

  • French is not only spoken in France!

    If you want to get accustomed to the accent from Burkina Faso, a country in West Africa where the official language is also French, check Yacoub’s cool video for beginners. Enjoy!

  • le château de Chilly

    Merveilleuse surprise à Douvaine! Egarés dans la campagne genevoise, prêts à manger un sandwich à l’Intermarché du coin, nous tombons par hasard sur le château de Chilly – 1 étoile Michelin. Une terrasse à deux pas des vignes nous tend les bras. Au menu (pas donné du tout, mais ça vaut le coup) des surprises…